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    At our school, we want to honour our namesake Soraya Hafez for her passion for education by creating an exciting and successful learning environment for students from Kindergarten to Grade 6. 



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  • Registration Information

    Registration Information

    New Student Registration for 2025-26

    If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school. Registration is open from February 3rd until 4pm on March 19th.

    Children who are five years old on or before December 31, 2025 (born in 2020) may register in Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year.

    For the 2025-2026 school year, Soraya Hafez will be a level 2 school with open boundaries on EPSB’s Growth Control Model.  

    Spaces in planned classes will be allocated in this order:

    • attendance area students (McConachie South) will be guaranteed a spot provided they register during pre enrolment and provide necessary documentation
    • resident secondary attendance area students (McConachie North) will be accommodated if space remains in planned classes
    • other resident students regardless of address (must have one non Roman Catholic parent residing in Edmonton)
    • other students (Roman Catholic parents or out of Edmonton address)

    We will consider pre-enrolment requests of resident students outside of our primary attendance area in order to balance class numbers provided that there is space. If the number of students who want to attend the school exceeds the available space, new applicants are chosen by random selection.

    You can use the EPSB Find a School Tool to look up your attendance area school. Find A School

    If you have questions about registering, contact the school office.



    You will need to pre-enrol on SchoolZone to tell us the school you’d like your child to attend next year. Find important dates and deadlines and learn more about pre-enrolment, which opens at 8 a.m. on February 3.

    If you have questions about pre-enrollment, please contact the school office.


    Proof of Address

    Additional documentation may be required, including additional address documents, or immigration documents for students who are not Canadian citizens. We are unable to accept property tax bills, driver's licenses, bank statements, mutual funds or retirement saving plans notices. We will accept the following:

    • electricity bill
    • natural gas bill
    • water, garbage pickup and sewer
    • mortgage document with proof of home insurance or
    • lease agreement with proof of tenant insurance

    If you have any questions about registration, please email us at sorayahafez@epsb.ca or call the office at 587-489-4728.


    New Student Registration for 2024-25

    For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Soraya Hafez School is full in planned classes in Kindergarten to Grade 6 in the regular program. A Kindergarten student who is a resident and lives in the school's attendance area may still register as long as they are not previously registered and . We will now only accept resident students in Grades 1 to 6 whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enrol in another Division school with space in planned classes.++

    If you are registering for Kindergarten or are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.

    Children who are five years old on or before December 31, 2024 (born in 2019) may register in Kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year.

    You can use the EPSB Find a School Tool to look up your attendance area school. Find A School

    Update your child’s current address with the school office before pre-enrolling in SchoolZone. 

    If you need help, contact the school.


    Monitoring as a Level 2 School

    Soraya Hafez is monitoring as a Level 2 school beginning in the 2024-25 school year. As outlined in Division regulations, the only new students accepted to our school during pre-enrolment will be:

    1. Resident students who live within the attendance area. (South McConachie)
    2. Siblings of current students who will be returning to the school the following year.
    3. There may be some space available in select grades for those students residing in our secondary attendance area (McConachie North).

    If the student you are registering or pre-enrolling meets one of these criteria for the 2024-2025 school year, please register them online (new to EPSB students) or pre-enrol through SchoolZone (existing EPSB students).  


    Childcare at Soraya Hafez School

    YMCA daycare will only be providing before and afterschool care for Grade 1-6 families.  If you are on a wait list for YMCA daycare, please contact  rekha.poudel@ymcanab.ca or call 587-920-4186.





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  • Parent Participation

    Parent Participation

    At Soraya Hafez School we believe that education is a partnership between home and school. Parent involvement is strongly encouraged and appreciated. Parents can:

    • encourage their child to talk about what they have learned and celebrate their achievements.
    • be acquainted with the teacher and other school staff.
    • attend various functions that are held at the school.
    • help with field trips and special events.
    • attend student progress conferences and talk to the teacher when there are questions or concerns.
    • contact the principal if they have a concern or wish to share a special event in the child’s life.
    • attend School Council meetings.

    Parent Council

    The Soraya Hafez School Council gives parents an opportunity to come together to provide support, enhance student learning and to promote the well-being and overall effectiveness of the school community.

    An active School Council facilitates the school/home/community partnership and helps to develop an atmosphere of mutual cooperation through active participation in the school.

    The School Council supports meaningful parental involvement, which we know supports student success!

    Everyone is welcome at monthly meetings so please watch for start up dates in the Fall.

    Soraya Hafez Fundraising Council

    The Soraya Hafez Fundraising Association is a group of parents that works closely with the School Council and initiates fundraising experiences which support the educational experiences and programming at our school!

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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.



At our school, we want to honour our namesake Soraya Hafez for her passion for education by creating an exciting and successful learning environment for students from Kindergarten to Grade 6. 




Principal's Message

As the principal, I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve the Soraya Hafez School learning community. It is quite a privilege to join such a high performing team, and I am looking forward to all of the exciting opportunities, new relationships and the challenges that lie ahead.

At Soraya Hafez, we are building a culture of kindness, and a place where students feel connected to each other, connected to learning, and also connected to the larger community.

Literacy and numeracy are in strong focus and we provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities. We know that if we can help students become successful in reading, writing, and math they will be successful later in life.

Learning is collaborative and a collective responsibility. We believe in working together and we encourage all our families and the community to support our children’s experience at Soraya Hafez School. So, let’s team up in support of each student reaching their fullest potential.

Once again, I am honored to serve and work alongside the Soraya Hafez learning community!

David Sloan, Principal


Welcome to Soraya Hafez School